Posts by Lynette Donnelly

Melbourne Awareness Weekend 2023

Members of the committee and other volunteers from all around the country headed to our Melbourne Awareness Weekend 2023 to meet up with James Hermans to collect our sets of…

Light Up In Teal 2023

October is Facial Pain Awareness month and specifically for our association October 7th is International Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day where organisations from across the world request cities to Light up…

Members Story – Mera Gilbet

It’s now almost 2 years since I first had a zapping pain in my eye tooth, left side. Thought nothing of this until it happened a few more times the next 2 months during eating. Saw my dentist, had X-rays and check. Nothing wrong. Then one day in middle of May woke up with part…

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The Power of Story Telling

Our Association has been operating as a charity for 20 years.  Sometimes in the busyness of volunteering, it is easy to lose sight of the good we do for our…

Q Magnets for TMJ Pain

The following article was published by the Q Magnet Newsletter covering Q Magnets for TMJ Pain. You can read in full with all embedded links below.  We have also reproduced…

Sticks and Stones – The Psychology

The following article explores the effect words can have on a person and the how it can impact pain levels. Sticks and Stones – Previous article exploring the subject Psychology…
How the brain works

Members Story – Dee Grant

Thank you Dee for sharing providing your members story, each one helps our community. I thought you might like to share my journey with other members. I could go into further depth if you want as I must say some said it was caused by MS lesions and others said it was from the TMJ…

To access this post, you must purchase TNA Australia Full Member.

Members Story – Cheryl Reyment

Thank you Cheryl for sharing providing your members story, each one helps our community. I’ve been a member for a couple years so though about time I might share my story. My journey with Trigeminal Neuralgia began the middle of 2019. It started with a oral operation. The horrible shock- like stabbing pains began a…

To access this post, you must purchase TNA Australia Full Member.

Disability Support Pension – the process

The diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia is a day people living with the condition will always remember and when they may have to consider  a disability support pension.  Prior to the…

Brisbane Support Group

Saturday October 7, 2023 2:30 PM UTC  Brisbane Support Group Special meeting – This Saturday October 7, 2.30pm (Note change of usual date and time and the meeting will run for…

