Our Association receives donations from well-wishers and members, so how do we utilise your donation generosity?
When we launched our new website back in November 2021, we had 134 members in the Association.
The original membership previously ran from January to December and renewals were due in the first week of January.
New members after this time renew based on the month they became a member, and we currently have 280 current members.
The reason these facts are important, is to highlight the extraordinary generosity of our members who, not only renew their membership each year, but also add a donation.
The level of donations we have received to enable us to continue our work, has dramatically risen, perhaps due to the website platform which enables all visitors to the website to donate.
We also benefit from the tax concessions allowed when a donation is made, this is especially evident around the end of the tax year. If donators are tax payers they are entitled to a tax deduction. Our charity is registered at a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR)Charity.
The ATO have rules covering what donations can be claimed a a tax deduction.
It is important to know how the association utilises your donations, and how the services we provide benefit members. Below are the donations received.
- 2021 = $3,799.61 Jan-Dec
- 2022 = $7,032.50 Jan-Dec
- 2023 = $ 1,846.00 Jan -Feb
In 2021 we utilised the donation money to ensure our older mail only members who do not use web based services, received a printed copy of the monthly newsletter.
In 2022 we expanded our offering using zoom as a meeting platform to enable support group leaders to keep in contact with regional and remote members. Zoom licences are $250 per annum per user so donations allow all of our support group leaders to hold a licence. Our expanded membership base has also allowed us to continue developing our website and manage web-based subscription costs.
We are only two months into 2023 and our generous supporters have already donated enough to support our zoom licences.
We have achieved so much, but we know we are still not reaching everyone who needs help, and we will continue looking for ways to provide education, support and hope wherever we can.
If you would like to donate – please click here
If you would like to run an event to raise money within your community or workplace – please see some idea here