There is a great deal of evidence to show what we put inside our bodies can have an impact on inflammation issues.
This article and podcast was published by the team at The Change Pain Academy.
Supporting your nutrition (as you will see below) is one of the ‘rocks’ of chronic pain/chronic illness management and is just one of the things we lean into inside The Change Pain Academy.
Both chronic pain and chronic illness are influenced heavily by ‘what’s going on inside’ biologically. And it’s not just your pain, it’s also your immune function!
Here are some examples of what impacts your pain/illness:
👉 inflammation
👉 Too much of something (cortisol for example)
👉 Or not enough of something (magnesium, just to mention one of many)
👉 Adrenal fatigue
👉 Immune dysregulation
And the list goes on (and on, and on and on)
An elimination diet is just one way in which to help reduce painful symptoms caused by foods that trigger inflammation and disrupt your immune function.
And it’s something you can do on your own (with a little guidance) or with a coach.
In this episode Jessica and I break it all down.
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