President’s Monthly Musings – Jan 2023 All Change

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It is the last day of January 2023 and the month has rushed by.  I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful break over Christmas and New Year and have recharged your batteries.

January is the month when many of our pre new website members will be renewing their memberships.  If your membership has lapsed and you would like to renew please use the link below.

TNA Australia Full Member

I am always humbled by the generosity of our members, who often donate to the Association when they renew.  This month alone, you have donated $1,271 to our cause to ensure we can continue our work.  A huge heart felt thank you ❤️.

The month, and indeed the new year has signified many changes for myself.  I have taken the opportunity of the  holiday months to step back from my duties as President of the Association because I have been having some mental and physical health challenges.

I have always had a busy life, and balanced family, work and leisure reasonably well.  However we have had increased responsibility recently, helping to support our grandchildren, maintaining the one acre property where we live  and dealing with the issues that age and poor health serve up.

After a great deal of soul searching, I realise I cannot give the time commitment to support the workload the Presidency of the Association requires and deserves.

It has been hard for me to accept my limitations, something that all of our membership is very aware of.  I have always had a bit of a gung-ho personality so for me I am all in, or not, which is not ideal because I get worn down.

The Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting the last week of March 2023 and the membership will have the opportunity to vote in new volunteers.

Please be assured the committee continues to work hard on realising the vision for all sufferers of Trigeminal Neuralgia, education support and hope.

I will be continuing in the background as membership and website co-ordinator, along with publishing the ENEWS each month.

It has been an honour to serve on the committee and I am proud of the the committee’s achievements during my short tenure.









Tags: New beginnings, Positive change

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Vickilee Brown
    February 2, 2023 12:42 pm

    Hello Lyn
    You have done a wonderful job and I do hope your future brings you a slower pace and that 2023 becomes everything you want it to be!
    Be happy and enjoy Life!

  • Hi Lynette. Thank you for all the work you have done. You are a mighty worker, and the changes you have added to the association have been very helpful. I especially appreciate the research you put into the information in the newsletters. I do hope to see your smile at our GC support group.

    Best wishes,
    Marion Hicks


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