Stanford’s Facial Pain Program – Whole Person Pain Care: Latest research and scalable treatments for pain and opioid reduction

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Here at TNA Australia we link with International Organisations who deal with Trigeminal Neuralgia and other Facial Pain conditions

We have registered to be provided with information about Webinars and Research from many of these providers.  One of the unexpected wonderful outcomes of the COVID pandemic is the way many International and National Organisations have pivoted and now provide access to presentations and webinars over the web.  It is sensational to be able to be in an audience listening to skilled professionals on a wide array of subject, while sitting at home.

Why not get a few people together to view the presentation and have a chat about what you have learnt, share a coffee and cake together and workshop how you can utilise the advise in your lives

If you get a few friends and family together, take a photo and send it to and we will publish here.

Our new website is our portal to our members and people looking for information – we add content regularly on subjects we feel may be of interest.  We are not sponsored by any other organisation and we do not endorse the content – it is provide to assist you to make decisions for your individual circumstances 

Stanford’s Facial Pain Program presents:

Whole Person Pain Care: Latest research and scalable treatments for pain and opioid reduction

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 5:30pm Pacific Time

Thursday , March 10, 2022 12.30pm Sydney Time


Speaker:  Dr. Beth Darnall, PhD – Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

Beth Darnall, PhD is Director of the Stanford Pain Relief Innovations Lab. She leads NIH and PCORI-funded clinical trials that broadly investigate behavioural medicine for acute and chronic pain, including $19M in research funding from the Patient Centred Research Outcomes Institute (PCORI). Her primary interests are developing and investigating novel pain treatments that are scalable, effective, and low burden.

Dr. Darnall twice briefed the U.S. Congress on the opioid and pain crises, and provided invited testimony to the FDA on iatrogenic harms associated with opioid tapering. In 2020 she joined the NIH Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee as a scientific member. From 2020-2021 she served as a scientific member of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Opioid Workgroup of the Board of Scientific Counsellors of the National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control (BSC/NCIPC).

Her work has been featured in outlets such as The New York Times, Scientific American, NPR Radio, BBC Radio, and Nature. In 2018 she spoke on the psychology of pain relief at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


Tags: Pain care, pain research, Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain, Webinar

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