Trigeminal neuralgia education

The Power of Story Telling

Our Association has been operating as a charity for 20 years.  Sometimes in the busyness of volunteering, it is easy to lose sight of the good we do for our…

Sticks and Stones – The Psychology

The following article explores the effect words can have on a person and the how it can impact pain levels. Sticks and Stones – Previous article exploring the subject Psychology…
How the brain works

Members Story – Dee Grant

Thank you Dee for sharing providing your members story, each one helps our community. I thought you might like to share my journey with other members. I could go into further depth if you want as I must say some said it was caused by MS lesions and others said it was from the TMJ…

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Members Story – Cheryl Reyment

Thank you Cheryl for sharing providing your members story, each one helps our community. I’ve been a member for a couple years so though about time I might share my story. My journey with Trigeminal Neuralgia began the middle of 2019. It started with a oral operation. The horrible shock- like stabbing pains began a…

To access this post, you must purchase TNA Australia Full Member.

Diagnosing and treating persistent orofacial pain

Continuing our conversations around diagnosing and treating persistent orofacial pain, the following article explains the new classifications for dental pain and the people behind the changes. Professor Chris Peck is…

Podcast A/Prof Tasha Stanton

We are delighted to announce that Ass Prof Tasha Stanton has accepted our invitation to present webinar for our community.  She has an extremely busy schedule but we have preliminary…

Stem Cell Therapy for Trigeminal Neuralgia

There has been some interaction on our Facebook page referencing Stem Cell Therapy for trigeminal neuralgia.  Over the years there has been some controversial claims on the subject, with medical…

Why feeling connected makes us feel good

We have a community of people living with trigeminal neuralgia who we have connections to through face to face and online support groups and our media platform of website, Facebook,…

Trigeminal Neuralgia and Wearing Glasses

We were recently contacted by a healthcare professional to gain information about helping a client who lives with trigeminal neuralgia and also wears glasses. Trigeminal neuralgia and wearing glasses do…

