Trigeminal Neuralgia and Wearing Glasses

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We were recently contacted by a healthcare professional to gain information about helping a client who lives with trigeminal neuralgia and also wears glasses.

Trigeminal neuralgia and wearing glasses do not necessarily go together, but options are limited to putting up with the trigger pain, or to wear contact lenses.  Many people find contact lenses are not an option for them, so what can help.

In Australia most of the population do wear sunglasses due to our climate, so even if you do not need glasses for reading, our community will have to deal with TN pain triggered from pressure around the nose and ears caused by glasses.

We have found one Company in Australia which offers options to improve the comfort of wearing glasses.

If you have any hints or tips how you deal with this issue, please share by adding comments to this article.

Unbelievable Pain: 10 Years of Being Told I was Overreacting to Chronic Pain

The below hints may help you to evaluate and adjust your glasses

Make Your Glasses More Comfortable with these 5 Hacks (

1. Use A Hair Dryer to tighten Plastic Frames

Let’s get real: If your glasses are sitting too low on your nose, it can feel uncomfortable AF. But there is a solution to ensuring your plastic frames are more snug, and it requires a hair dryer. According to LIVESTRONG, you can actually warm up the temples of your frames for 20 seconds with a hair dryer, and then bend them to adjust accordingly.

2. Adjust the Nose Pads on Your Metal Frames If They Feel Too Tight

There’s nothing cute about nose pinching (and I’m not talking about the kind your grandma does when she tells you you’re her favorite grandchild in the world). If your metal frames are pinching your nose, you can pull the nose pads away from each other a bit (delicately, of course), according to Frames Direct.

3. Look for Slippage

If you’re constantly pushing your frames up on your face, it might look like you’re giving everyone around you the finger. (Yes, it’s happened to me and I don’t want to talk about it.)

For this, you’ll have to invest in a tiny screwdriver to tighten the screws on each side of your frames. This CVS Health Eyeglass Repair Kit is a great purchase, as it comes with four screw sizes to fit a good majority of frames.

4. Correct Crookedness

For fixing crookedness on wire frames, wikiHow suggests gently bending the arms with small pliers to straighten them. On the other hand, plastic frames will need a hair dryer or a quick run under warm water to become pliable. Once they seem to be even, put those bad boys back on and check yourself out in the mirror to observe your amazing artistry.

5. Break Out The Baby Powder

Lastly, if you’re new to the glasses lifestyle, you might find that the skin behind your ears is a bit sore or tender. Money Versed recommends breaking out a bottle of baby powder and applying it behind your ears daily until your skin adjusts to your new frames. You’ll smell fresh AF and feel comfortable. That’s a win-win, if you ask me.


This post was originally published on Aug. 27, 2017. It was updated on Aug. 22, 2019. Additional reporting by Alexa Mellardo.

Tags: hints and tips, , Trigeminal neuralgia education

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