We had a great deal to talk about in respect of the achievements our Association has covered in the last year, and our plans for the future and covering what we have been doing.
Thank you so much to all of the attendees who joined our live webinar this morning. It was lovely to see you all, and I really enjoyed our conversations after the webinar. It is always so informative to hear from our sufferers directly, and be able to offer advice on staying connected, being part of our community and not becoming isolated. Our conversations may also help other sufferers who will view the recording.
It really shows how important it is for our trigeminal neuralgia and associated facial pain sufferers, to connect, not just to support group leaders, but to each other.
We hope to repeat this type of webinar in 2023 where we can showcase our 20-year anniversary celebrations. Please don’t forget to hit the subscribe button on our You Tube channel.
The Presentation slides are available here – 2022 - What We Have Been Doing Presentation