Trigeminal neuralgia treatment

Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain and Erenumab

There has been some talk on social media trigeminal neuralgia sites, that a possible drug developed for severe migraine, could be used  for trigeminal neuralgia pain. There have been a…

Dr Joseph Ierano – Atlas Orthogonist

Dr Joseph Ierano reached out to our association in response to our regular monthly ENEWS publication.  He provided a research paper covering case studies of trigeminal neuralgia patients using Atlas…

What to do if Doctors Opinions are Different – Kenneth F. Casey MD FACS

Kenneth F. Casey MD FACS is a Past-President of the Medical Advisory Board of the American Facial Pain Association. He is an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Together with George Weigel, he co-authored Striking Back: A Layman’s Guide to Facial Pain. Dr Kenneth Casey is renowned for his work in Trigeminal…

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