Click Here to watch “You are Not Alone” Animation

Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia is committed to ensuring all of our volunteers have access to quality training resources to ensure they provide relevant education and information to sufferers

  • We aim to ensure all Volunteers understand our organisation’s strategic development, and training is aligning with the organisation’s strategic aims and incorporated into its evaluation framework.
  • We understand that effective Volunteer involvement requires organisational leadership, and a culture and structure that supports and values the role of volunteers – we ensure all volunteers have access to a mentor or educator.
  • We acknowledge that Volunteers have rights, which include the right to work in a safe and supportive environment with appropriate infrastructure and effective management practices – and have access to committee members to raise concerns.
  • After completion of training, Volunteers have responsibilities, which include acting responsibly, being accountable for their actions to the organisation, and respecting the organisation’s values and practices.

Our Association belongs to the National Volunteering Framework and we are working towards implementing the required volunteering national framework and standards which can be read using the link below:

The National Standards for Volunteering Involvement - 2015

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Support Group Leader Reports and Resources

[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#1dab9f” size=”5″ margin=”10] We are pleased to add Support Leader Meeting Reports Here
TNAA Attendance Register

Website Training

TNAA Melbourne Volunteer Workshop Presentation

Volunteer Induction

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Lesson 1 Introduction to the history of the association – Please read the About Us section of our website.
Lesson 2 Organisational Chart

Lesson 3 Please read the article and watch the webinar – click on link below.
Webinar – What We have been doing 2022
Lesson 4 Please complete the below survey to help us support you in your volunteering journey.

Volunteer Survey

Lesson 5 Website Overview, including Membership, Product, Events and Articles

It is important to us that you can navigate our website and help others use our great resources.

Lesson 6 Role descriptions and responsibility
TNAA Induction SGL Role
Lesson 7 Harassment Policy

TNAA Harassment Policy 2023
Lesson 8 Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia Constitution – please read
TNAA Updated Constitution 2023
Volunteer Induction Completion Form Please complete the induction acknowledgement form.

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Volunteer Induction - completion

Volunteer Induction - completion

Enter first name
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Please enter your email address
1-I have read and understood the About Us section of the website - Please choose 1 option
2-I have downloaded the Organisational Charts and understand the associations structure - Please choose 1 option
3-I have read the article and watched the webinar called "what we have been doing 2022" - Please choose 1 option
4-I have completed the Volunteer Survey which will help the association understand how I would like to volunteer - Please choose 1 option
5-I have reviewed the links provided and understand how to navigate the associations website - Please choose 1 option
6-I have reviewed the role documents provided in the induction section - Please choose 1 option
7-I have read the harassment policy and understand the contents - Please choose 1 option
8-I have read and understand the associations current constitution - Please choose 1 option
Volunteer Induction Feedback Form Please complete the induction feedback form.

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Volunteer Induction - feedback

Volunteer Induction - feedback

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1-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 1? - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 2 - please choose 1 option
3-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 3? - Please choose 1 option
4-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 4? - Please choose 1 option
5-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 5? - Please choose 1 option
6-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 6? - Please choose 1 option
7-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 7? - Please choose 1 option
8-Do you need assistance or have questions in respect of Lesson 8? - Please choose 1 option
Information Resource 1

Standard 5: Support and development

Volunteers understand their roles and gain the knowledge, skills and feedback needed to safely and effectively carry out their duties.
5.1 Volunteers are provided with orientation relevant to their role and responsibility.
5.2 Volunteers knowledge and skills are reviewed to identify support and development needs.
5.3 Volunteers knowledge and skill needs relevant to their roles are identified, and training and development opportunities are provided to meet these needs.
5.4 Volunteers are provided with supervision and support that enables them to undertake their roles and responsibilities.
5.5 Changes to the involvement of a volunteer are undertaken fairly and consistently.
National Volunteering Standards

Information Resource 2

Standard 8: Quality management and continuous improvement

Effective volunteer involvement results from a system of good practice, review and continuous improvement.
8.1 Policies and procedures are implemented to effectively guide all aspects of volunteer involvement.
8.2 Volunteer involvement is regularly reviewed in line with the organisation’s evaluation and quality management frameworks.
8.3 The organisation’s performance with volunteer involvement is monitored and reported to the governing body, employees, volunteers and stakeholders.
8.4 Opportunities are available for volunteers to provide feedback on the organisation’s volunteer involvement and relevant areas of the organisation’s work.

Information Resource 3

Section 1 – The Trigeminal Nerve

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Lesson 1 SGL Training Lesson 1 - What is Trigeminal Neuralgia
Quiz 1 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Quiz 1

SGL Training - Quiz 1

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1-What medical term is Trigeminal Neuralgia also known as - Please choose 1 option
2-Which cranial nerve Trigeminal Neuralgia a disorder of - Please choose 1 option
3-What type of pain does an A typical TN sufferer experience - Please choose 1 option
4-How long do the attacks of pain last - Please choose 1 option
5-Can TN attacks be intermittent - Please choose 1 option
6-What are common triggers for TN sufferers - Please choose 1 option
7-How many new cases of TN occur per 100,000 people - Please choose 1 option
8-Can TN attacks go into remission without treatment - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 2 SGL Training Lesson 2 - What is the Trigeminal Nerve
Quiz 2 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Quiz 2

SGL Training - Quiz 2

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email address is required
1-How many branches make up the Trigeminal Nerve - Please choose 1 option
2-Ophthalmic - branch effects pain in which area - Please choose 1 option
3-Maxillary - branch effects pain in which area - Please choose 1 option
4-Mandibular - branch effects pain in which area - Please choose 1 option
5-What signals does the nerve transmit to the brain - Please choose 1 option
6-Does the Trigeminal Nerve Control jaw movement- Please choose 1 option
7-Can TN pain involve more than one branches of the TN pain - Please choose 1 option
8-Where do the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve come together - Please choose 1 option
9-What is the area called where the signals that travel through the Trigeminal Nerve end - Please choose 1 option
10-Where are the signals sent after they pass the TN nerve - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 3 SGL Training Lesson 3 - What is Facial Pain
Quiz 3 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Quiz 3

SGL Training - Quiz 3

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email address is required
1-Where does the pain sensation travel in the nervous system - Please choose 1 option
2-What type of pain is being described - comes on suddenly, is usually sharp in quality, and has a specific cause. It serves as a warning of disease or a threat to the body. Pain will go away when the underlying cause is treated. - Please choose 1 option
3-Which type of pain is described as - pain lasts for many months or years, and is not eliminated after an underlying problem is fixed. Pain can be difficult to treat and may require trying various therapies to reduce the pain. - Please choose 1 option
4-What is defined as Nociceptive pain - Please choose 1 option
5-What is defined as Neuropathic pain - Please choose 1 option
6-Are symptoms of chronic neuropathic pain complex, making treatment decisions difficult - Please choose 1 option
7-Neuralgia refers to pain in which part of the body - Please choose 1 option
8-What name is given to nerves which can be affected by pressure, heat or cold, or chemical means - Please choose 1 option
9-The neuralgia is characterized by - Please choose 1 option
10-Peripheral Neuropathic pain affects which area of the body- Please choose 1 option
11-Central Neuropathic pain affects which area of the body- Please choose 1 option
12-Are there other Facial Pain conditions which are not neuropathic - Please choose 1 option
13-Name three facial pain conditions which are not neuropathic - add to text box below
Lesson 4 Please click the link below – and watch Video 001

001 – Trigeminal Neuralgia Biological Explanation 5MinuteSchool

Quiz 4 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Quiz 4

SGL Training - Quiz 4

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1-How has Trigeminal Neuralgia pain described - Please choose 1 option
2-Which TN branches have sensory innovation - Please choose 1 option
3-What does Sensory mean - Please choose 1 option
4-Does the compression of the Trigeminal Nerve cause neuralgia - Please choose 1 option
5-What is a space occupying lesion- Please choose 1 option
6-Can Multiple Sclerosis cause trigeminal neuralgia - Please choose 1 option
7-Can neuralgia be felt along any branch of the trigeminal nerve - Please choose 1 option
8-How many daily cycle of neuralgia does a sufferer typically experience - Please choose 1 option
9-What can trigger attacks of neuralgia - Please choose 1 option
10-What are the symptoms of A Typical TN - Please choose 1 option
11-What other conditions can trigeminal Neuralgia be misdiagnoses as - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 5 SGL Training Lesson 5 - Trigeminal Neuralgia Diagnosis
Quiz 5 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Quiz 5

SGL Training - Quiz 5

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1-Who should a patient see to get a diagnosis - Please choose 1 option
2-What steps should a diagnosis include - Please choose 1 option
3-What details can a patient history provide - Please choose 1 option
4-What other clues about a patient can a practitioner use - Please choose 1 option
5-Is it possible for a test to record pain- Please choose 1 option
6-In most cases history and examination will result in a diagnosis- Please choose 1 option
7-Is an MRI used to confirm Trigeminal Neuralgia - Please choose 1 option
8-Is an MRI used to exclude a tumour - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 6 SGL Training Lesson 6 - Causes of Facial Pain
Quiz 6 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Quiz 6
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1-What facial pain condition is described as Painful Numbness - Please choose 1 option
2-What facial pain condition includes severe ear pain - Please choose 1 option
3-What facial pain condition includes severe throat ear and neck pain - Please choose 1 option
4-What facial pain condition includes severe shock like pain in the back of the head, behind ears and upper neck - Please choose 1 option
5-What facial pain condition can occur when suffering shingles - Please choose 1 option
6-Do PHN symptoms continue after shingles rash and blisters have healed - Please choose 1 option
7-When does PHN typically start - Please choose 1 option
8-What condition only affects the jawbone- Please choose 1 option
9-What percentage of the population are reported to suffer pain in the temporomandibular joint- Please choose 1 option
10-Management of TMD is usually achieved with reducing stress on the joint through which activity - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 7

Further lessons may be added in the future

Quiz 7 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable form multi choice questionaire[/su_spoiler]
Feedback 1 [su_spoiler title=”Section Feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section1 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Section 1 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate - Please choose 1 option
3-Would you recommend this training section to others - Please choose 1 option
Information Resource 1 SGL Help Sheet 1 - A Diagnosis of Facial Pain
Information Resource 2 SGL Help Sheet 2 - Diagnosis Video Presentation shows the details of the video

Please click link below – and watch Video 005

005 – YouTube Diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia – Top Doctors UK – Mr Jeremy Rowe interview

Information Resource 3 SGL Help Sheet 3 - Pain Video Presentation shows the details of the video

Please click link below –  and watch Video 006

006 – YouTube Trigeminal Neuralgia: Not Just Facial Pain – Dr.Jennifer Robblee

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Section 2 – Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatments

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Lesson 1 SGL Training - Section2 - Lesson 1 - Medication - Anti Epileptics
Quiz 1 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 - Quiz 1
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1-In what decade did anti-epileptic's (AE) and anti-convulsant (AC) medications used in the treatment of pain - Please choose 1 option
2-Are AP and AC medications useful foe neuropathic pain - Please choose 1 option
3-What chemicals have a reduced ionic conductance when AP and AC medications are used - Please choose 1 option
4-What percentage of users report a positive response to Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - Please choose 1 option
5-What are minor side effects using Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - Please choose 1 option
6-What are the major side effects from using Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - Please choose 1 option
7-Is Sodium Valproate (Epilim) less potent than Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - Please choose 1 option
8-What are side effects from using Sodium Valproate (Epilim) - Please choose 1 option
9-Which side effects are believed to be less using Sodium Valproate (Epilim) - Please choose 1 option
10-Is the medication Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) less potent than Carbamazepine - Please choose 1 option
11-What symptoms does Gabapentin improve - Please choose 1 option
12-Which class of medication does Pregabalin (Lyrica) cover- Please choose 1 option
13-What are the side effects of Gabapentin - Please choose 1 option
14-What conditions can Gabapentin prevent - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 2 SGL Training - Section2 - Lesson 2 - Medication - Anti Depressants
Quiz 2 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 - Quiz 2
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1-How long have Anti-depressants been used for pain management - Please choose 1 option
2-Can anti-depressants be used for other disorders - Please choose 1 option
3-Can anti-depressants act on other symptoms faster - Please choose 1 option
4-What are the side effects of anti-depressants - Please choose 1 option
5-What is NNT - Please choose 1 option
6-What conditions are Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) used for - Please choose 1 option
7-How do SNRIs work - Please choose 1 option
8-What does norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI) do - Please choose 1 option
9-What are side effects from using serotonin medication - Please choose 1 option
10-what medication type are Amitriptyline (Endep), Nortripyline (Allegron), Doxepin (Deptran), Prothiaden - Please choose 1 option
11-what medication type are Paroxetine (Aropax), Fluoxetine (Prozac / Lovan), Citalopram (Cipramil), Seretaline (Zoloft) - Please choose 1 option
12-what medication type are Mirtazapine (Avanza), Venlafaxine (Efexor), Reboxetine (Edronax), Duloxetine (Cymbalta), Duloxetine - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 3 SGL Training - Section2 - Lesson 3 - Medication - Opioids
Quiz 3 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 - Quiz 3
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1-Which opioids are considered better for the sufferer - Please choose 1 option
2-What is important for a sufferer prescribed opioids - Please choose 1 option
3-What system contains the brain and the spinal cord- Please choose 1 option
4-What are the side effects of Tramadol on the CNS - Please choose 1 option
5-What is the NNT rating for Tramadol - Please choose 1 option
6-What condition is Buprenorphine (Norspan) used for - please choose 1 option
7-What side effects can be experienced from Buprenorphine (Norspan) - Please choose 1 option
8-What medication can be used when pain relief has not been achieved - Please choose 1 option
9-Can Tapentadol be prescribed with other medications - Please choose 1 option
10-What medication is used as a muscle relaxant - Please choose 1 option
11-What is the medication Mexilitene used to treat - Please choose 1 option
12-What side effects are experienced from Mexilitene- Please choose 1 option
13-What is the medication Clonidine used to treat- Please choose 1 option
14-Is the medication Clonidine addictive - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 4 SGL Training - Section2 - Lesson 4 - Medication - Other
Quiz 4 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 - Quiz 4
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1-What condition is the drug Baclofen commonly used to treat - Please choose 1 option
2-What substance has an effect on pain in the CNS - Please choose 1 option
3-Does Baclofen reduce the chemical Substance P- Please choose 1 option
4-Is Baclofen the only muscle relaxant proven to work on TN - Please choose 1 option
5-What other drug can Baclofen enhance the effects of - Please choose 1 option
6-What does the drug Botulinum toxin A effect - please choose 1 option
7-What are the benefits for using Botox - Please choose 1 option
8-What is the maximum daily dose of Tegretol - Please choose 1 option
9-What is the maximum daily dosage for Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) - Please choose 1 option
10-What is the maximum daily dosage for Baclofen - Please choose 1 option
11-What is the maximum daily dosage for Neurontin (gabapentin) - Please choose 1 option
12-Where is Botox placed injected in the face - Please choose 1 option
13-What can the side effects be for Botox- Please choose 1 option
14-Is there a BEST medication for TN - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 5 SGL Training - Section2 - Lesson 5 - Surgery Options
Quiz 5 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 - Quiz 5
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1-When will surgery for TN be considered - Please choose 1 option
2-How many surgery options are used for TN - Please choose 1 option
3-Can the same procedures be used for patients with Atypical TN - Please choose 1 option
4- If a patient has constant or burning pain what type of Facial Pain will they be diagnosed with- Please choose 1 option
5-What must be identified in a patient for MVD surgery to be advised - Please choose 1 option
6-What happens to the TN nerve in a MVD surgery - please choose 1 option
7-How long does MVD surgery take - Please choose 1 option
8-What nerve signal is monitored during MVD surgery - Please choose 1 option
9-What % of patients have re-occurring pain post MVD surgery - Please choose 1 option
10-What is the average % of pain fee patients 15 years after MVD - Please choose 1 option
11-Can a patient have a second MVD - Please choose 1 option
12-What is the average success rate for a second MVD - Please choose 1 option
13-What age bracket should you be to have MD surgery- Please choose 1 option
14-What type of Percutaneos Procedure uses heat to damage the nerve - Please choose 1 option
15-What is the consistency of the glycerol in a GR - Please choose 1 option
15-What is the consistency of the glycerol in a GR - Please choose 1 option
16-How does the Balloon Compression affect the TN Nerve - Please choose 1 option
16-Does Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SR) require an incision in the cheek - Please choose 1 option
17-What is used to deliver Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SR) - Please choose 1 option
18-Which procedure does not aim to damage the Trigeminal Nerve - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 6 Please click link below –  and watch Video 004

004 – TNA Australia Webinar – Dr Ben Jonker “Which Treatment Should I Have For Trigeminal Neuralgia”

Quiz 6 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 - Quiz 6
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1-What is happening to the Trigeminal Nerve which creates pain- Please choose 1 option
2-What is the underlying cause of Trigeminal Neuralgia- Please choose 1 option
3-Will the pain be on one side of the face for A Typical TN - Please choose 1 option
4- Can the pain be triggered - Please choose 1 option
5-Will the pain respond to medication - Please choose 1 option
6-How does Carbamazepine medication act on the nerve - please choose 1 option
7-Will Carbamazepine effect all nerves - Please choose 1 option
8-Does MVD surgery remove the cause of Trigeminal Neuralgia - Please choose 1 option
9-Do all ablated treatments damage the nerve - Please choose 1 option
10-What is the purpose of MVD surgery - Please choose 1 option
11-How many days must a patient stay in hospital after MVD surgery - Please choose 1 option
12-Is the auditory response monitored during MVD surgery - Please choose 1 option
13-What is required if a patient has a CFS leak after surgery- Please choose 1 option
14-Can MVD surgery result in mild facial numbness as a side effect - Please choose 1 option
15-What % of patients undergoing MVD surgery will have recurrance of pain in the first year- Please choose 1 option
15-What is the expected result on the nerve from Percutaneos Rizotomy - Please choose 1 option
16-What are the PROs for Balloon Compression - Please choose 1 option
16-Does Balloon Compression work on TN of any cause - Please choose 1 option
17-Will pain return after Balloon Compression- Please choose 1 option
18-Which procedure is the least effective to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia pain - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 7 Further lessons may be added in the future
Quiz 7 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable form multi choice questionaire[/su_spoiler]
Feedback 2 [su_spoiler title=”Section Feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section2 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Section 1 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate - Please choose 1 option
3-Would you recommend this training section to others - Please choose 1 option
Information Resource 1 SGL Help Sheet 2-1 B12 as a Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
Information Resource 2 SGL Help Sheet 2-2 Medication Summary
Information Resource 3 Repeat Gamma Knife surgery for recurrent trigeminal neuralgia: long-term outcomes and systematic review – PubMed (
Information Resource 4 SGL Help Sheet 2 -4 Rules & Regulations for Prescribing Pain Relief in Australia
Issued by Australian Pain Management Association
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Section 3 – Pain Management and Quality of Life

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Lesson 1 Complimentary Medicine - Part 1
Quiz 1 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section3 - Quiz 1
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1-Are Complementary Therapies useful for managing chronic pain- Please choose 1 option
2-What should a practitioner take note of when discussing Complimentary Therapies - Please choose 1 option
3-What does CAM stand for - Please choose 1 option
4- Has mainstream medical practice moved away from CAM in the 20th century - Please choose 1 option
5-In which period did CAM become more accepted by the medical fraternity in the USA - Please choose 1 option
6-What % of patients reported that they had used CAM in 1990 - please choose 1 option
7-What US $ value was attributed to spending on CAM - Please choose 1 option
8-Was CAM offered in US hospitals prior to 2000 - Please choose 1 option
9-When did CAM therapies start to be taught in the US - Please choose 1 option
10-When was the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) created in USA- Please choose 1 option
11-What does Alternative Medicine mean re patient care - Please choose 1 option
12-What does Integrative medicine mean - Please choose 1 option
13-What does Integrated medicine mean - Please choose 1 option
14-What does Holistic medicine mean - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 2 Complementary Medicine - Part 2
Quiz 2 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section3 - Quiz 2
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1-Are Complimentary Therapies individualised to each patient - Please choose 1 option
2 - Do complementary medicine providers almost universally incorporate a philosophy of health that emphasizes and leverages an innate capacity for healing in every individual - Please choose 1 option
3-What does complementary medicine acknowledge the existence of- Please choose 1 option
4- What should be included in a practitioners review to be have a better success rate - Please choose 1 option
5-Are complimentary therapies the same for every patient - Please choose 1 option
6-What have studies recorded re patients who receive complimentary therapies - please choose 1 option
7-Is randomised testing easier in respect of patients treated with Complimentary Therapies - Please choose 1 option
8-What are the difficulties of randomised studies for patients treated by Complimentary Therapies - Please choose 1 option
9-What do Complimentary Therapists believe they are working with to provide patients relief - Please choose 1 option
10-Do Conventional Medical practitioners believe in the philosophic idea of Life Force - Please choose 1 option
11-What % of patients utilise complementary Medicine which includes massage, acupuncture, supplement and breathing exercises - Please choose 1 option
12-Can Children be treated by Complimentary Therapists - Please choose 1 option
13-Do most patients who use Complementary Therapies also use Conventional medicine - Please choose 1 option
14-Do users of Complimentary Therapist generally have a poor health status - Please choose 1 option
15-Are users of Complimentary Therapist likely to actively engage in their health care - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 3 Meditation for Chronic Pain
Quiz 3 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section3 - Quiz 3
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1-What is the minimum % of people living with chronic pain - Please choose 1 option
2 - What % of adults with chronic pain also have severe pain- Please choose 1 option
3-What are the dangers for chronic pain sufferers who take medications over a long period - Please choose 1 option
4- Is Meditation and Mindfulness considered safe - Please choose 1 option
5-Why is Meditation and Mindfulness considered safe - Please choose 1 option
6-What challenges are experienced managing chronic pain - please choose 1 option
7-Where does meditation have its roots - Please choose 1 option
8-What do Complimentary Therapists believe they are working with to provide patients relief - Please choose 1 option
9-Can meditation help modify brain structures - Please choose 1 option
10-Which parts of the brain can be affected by meditation practices - Please choose 1 option
11 - Which function does meditation assist - Please choose 1 option
12-Will the effects of meditation be felt quickly - Please choose 1 option
13-What changes can happen in the brain from regular meditation - Please choose 1 option
14-What effects can be are experience on the autonomic nervous system - Please choose 1 option
15-Can meditation lower the level of inflammation - Please choose 1 option
16-Can meditation reduce the feeling of pain - Please choose 1 option
17-Is meditation practiced in one way - Please choose 1 option
18-Is meditation to combat chronic pain successful for all patients - Please choose 1 option
19-Is a patient required to have a lot of experience in meditation for the process to help ease pain - Please choose 1 option
20-What is the key that sufferers must be aware of, for meditation to reduce the feeling of pain - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 4 How to Cope When Chronic Pain Causes Anxiety
Quiz 4 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section3 - Quiz 4
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1-What are things that effect people living with chronic pain - Please choose 1 option
2 - How many times more likely are chronic pain sufferers likely to develop symptoms of anxiety- Please choose 1 option
3-What common things do chronic pain sufferers become anxious about - Please choose 1 option
4- What treatment is used to treat anxiety - Please choose 1 option
5-What can be signs of anxiety - Please choose 1 option
6-How can a sufferer challenge negative thinking - please choose 1 option
7-Are support groups helpful for chronic pain sufferers - Please choose 1 option
8-What can support groups offer chronic pain sufferers - Please choose 1 option
9-Is a co-ordinated approach by a patients clinicians a good approach - Please choose 1 option
10-What can a chronic pain sufferer do to feel more in control - Please choose 1 option
11 - Is it important to be honest with your doctor about the level of anxiety felt - Please choose 1 option
12-Can depression and anxiety go away if ignored - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 5 Living Well Despite Chronic Pain
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SGL Training - Section3 - Quiz 5
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1-What does being an active participant provide chronic pain sufferers - Please choose 1 option
2 - What should chronic pain sufferers pay attention to to gain health benefits - Please choose 1 option
3-What does sleep improve - Please choose 1 option
4- What is CBT - Please choose 1 option
5-How does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy work - Please choose 1 option
6-What other therapy can be used with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - please choose 1 option
7-How can you help sleep better - Please choose 1 option
8-Is there a specific diet for sufferers of neuropathic facial pain - Please choose 1 option
9-Can stress stimulate inflammation in the body - Please choose 1 option
10-Can an anti inflammation diet assist with reducing inflammation- Please choose 1 option
11 - What is an ant inflammation diet based on - Please choose 1 option
12-Can eating a lot of starchy carbohydrates increase inflammation - Please choose 1 option
13-How are smart carbs absorbed by the body - Please choose 1 option
14-What do carbs produce in the body - Please choose 1 option
15-What can healthy fats do to the body - Please choose 1 option
16-Dos the body make B-12 - Please choose 1 option
17-What food sources can increase B-12 - Please choose 1 option
18-Can food items trigger pain - Please choose 1 option
19-Is it important to maintain dental health - Please choose 1 option
20-How should you prepare for dental treatment - Please choose 1 option
21-What benefits can be achieved from physical activity - Please choose 1 option
Lesson 6 Please click link below –  and watch Video 011
011 –  Struggling to Be Me in Chronic Pain
Quiz 6 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section3 - Feedback 6
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Lesson 7 Further lessons may be added in the future
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Feedback 3 [su_spoiler title=”Section Feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section3 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Section 1 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate - Please choose 1 option
3-Would you recommend this training section to others - Please choose 1 option
Information Resource 1 SGL Help Sheet Section 3 - 1 Coping with Pain Flares
Information Resource 2 SGL Help Sheet 3-2 Self Managing Chronic Pain
Information Resource 3 SGL Help Sheet 3-3 Overview of Complementary Health Approaches - Facial Pain Association
Information Resource 4 SGL Help Sheet 3-4 Pain perception can be modulated by mindfulness
Information Resource 5/6 SGL Help Link 3-5 12 tips to Pacing for Chronic Pain

SGL Help Sheet 3-6 Helpful Links to Pain Management Articles
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Section 4 – Support Leader Responsibility

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Resource 1 – Running a Support Group The downloads provided here have been created by the QLD Government and can be utilised by Support Group Leaders as high level action prompts

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SGL Training - Section4 Resource1 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 1 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials were provided as an overview?
4-Do you think these training resources are useful? - Please choose 1 option
Resource 2 – Support Group Governance These resources have been created by the Victorian State Government to assist in understanding governance requirement

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SGL Training - Section4 Resource2 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 2 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials are more relevant to Committee members?
4-Do you think these training resources are useful? - Please choose 1 option
Resources 3 – Public Speaking Public Speaking is a skill and no matter what size of  audience you are addressing, it is good to understand the process and practise often.  Please click on the link below to get a better understanding how to be a better presenter

Public Speaking Tips

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SGL Training - Section4 Resource3 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 3 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate to improve your skills in this area? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials are relevant to Support Group Leaders
4-Do you think these training resources are useful? - Please choose 1 option
Resource 4 – Peer Mentors Peer Mentors information has been provided by the FPA  and we thank them for their assistance in providing a framework for our training resources

[su_spoiler title=”This form can be used to record a contact with a sufferer” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Peer Mentor Contact Form

SGL Training - Peer Mentor Contact Form

Enter first name of SGL or Peer Mentor
Enter family name of SGL or Peer Mentor
Please enter email address of SGL or Peer Mentor
1-Is this a new contact
2-Were you able to provide information to the caller
3-Was the contact willing to provide personal details
4-Did you provide details of Support Groups
First name of contact
Last name of contact
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SGL Training - Section4 Resource4 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 4 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate to improve your skills in this area? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials are more relevant to your role?
4-Do you think these training resources are useful? - Please choose 1 option
5-Do you think the contact form is useful? - Please choose 1 option
Resource 5 – Support Groups This information provides details of things to consider when setting up and manging support groups and we thank the FPA for providing us with a framework to produce this document

[su_spoiler title=”This form can be used to record a contact with a sufferer” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Peer Mentor Contact Form

SGL Training - Peer Mentor Contact Form

Enter first name of SGL or Peer Mentor
Enter family name of SGL or Peer Mentor
Please enter email address of SGL or Peer Mentor
1-Is this a new contact
2-Were you able to provide information to the caller
3-Was the contact willing to provide personal details
4-Did you provide details of Support Groups
First name of contact
Last name of contact
Feedback 5 [su_spoiler title=”complete feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section4 Resource5 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 5 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate to improve your skills in this area? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials are more relevant to your role?
4-Do you think these training resources are useful? - Please choose 1 option
5-Do you think the contact form is useful? - Please choose 1 option
Resource 6 – Recruitment Recruitment of volunteers is essential for the growth of not for profit organisations.  The below resources cover this aspect

The below link provides a 30 minute e-learning module about how to safely recruit volunteers provided by Justice Connect

Recruiting Volunteers: Justice Connect E-Learning Module – Overview (

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SGL Training - Section4 Resource6 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 6 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate to improve your skills in this area? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials are relevant to your role?
4-Do you think these training resources provided you insight into areas to consider? - Please choose 1 option
5-Did you complete the E-Learning Module - Please choose 1 option
Resource 7 – Advertising Consumer law covers charities and not for profit organisations.  The download provides the legal framework to be complied with when advertising charity events and fpr all internal and external communication

Feedback 7 [su_spoiler title=”complete feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section4 Resource7 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 7 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate to improve your skills in this area? - Please choose 1 option
3-Can an Organisation could be fined for misleading advertising?
4-Can a Volunteer could be fined for misleading advertising? - Please choose 1 option
5-Can an organisation be fined for inappropriate fundraising? - Please choose 1 option
6-What must be considered when advertising for the organisation? - Please choose 1 option
7-Did you find the case studies useful? - Please choose 1 option
8-Do you have to be aware of false or misleading representations? - Please choose 1 option
Did you find the training resource useful
Resource 8 – Fundraising All not for profit charities need to raise funds to support the advocacy work they do.  Generally resources are scarce both in people and funds.  The below guide has been published by which is a software company
SGL Training Section 4-8 Fundraising The below guide by software company “donorbox”, however the questions and structure to be considered can be replicated in a manual way

Feedback 8 [su_spoiler title=”complete feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]
SGL Training - Section4 Resource8 Feedback
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1-Do you feel that the training materials in Resource 8 have - Please choose 1 option
2-Do you think the training materials were adequate to improve your skills in this area? - Please choose 1 option
3-Do you think the training materials are relevant to your role?
4-Do you think these training resources provided you insight into areas to consider? - Please choose 1 option
5-Have you ever been involved in fundraising? - Please choose 1 option
6-Is fundraising is an activity you could contribute to? - Please choose 1 option
Information Resource 1 Please watch the following video which will help give pointers to sufferers how they should approach their medical team

010 – What Patients Need to Know About the Differential Diagnosis of Facial Pain presented by Dr Donald Nixdorf

Information Resource 2 This sheet provides an overview about understanding pain and it’s effect in life

Explain Your Pain

The following link provides some insight from Beyond Blue around framing conversations for sufferers in crisis

Starting a conversation

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Section 5 – Committee Member Training

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Course 1

ACNC free courses to assist your understanding of responsibilities when becoming a Committee Member to a Charity

Feedback 1 [su_spoiler title=”provide feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a feedback form[/su_spoiler]
Course 2 Governing a Registered Charity in Australia – Online Course – FutureLearn

ACNC free courses to assist your understanding of responsibilities wh3n Governing  a Registered Charity

Feedback 2 [su_spoiler title=”provide feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable feedback form [/su_spoiler]
Resource 3 All charity based organisations need to cover a huge area of knowledge to enable expansion and growth.  In order to achieve the goals,  the committees must be aware of what steps can be taken, but it would be a huge drain on volunteers time to understand every area.  Our committee members have skills in Business Management, Administration Management, Education, Project Management, Systems Analysis, Finance and Data Analysis.  The Toolkit below is a wonderful resource to provide guidance and and a reinforcement of knowledge, already within the committee

The below free resource covers  planning, strategies, implementation, policies, grants, leadership, change management, marketing and much more

Table of Contents | Community Tool Box (

Toolkits | Community Tool Box (

The Community Tool Box is a service of the Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas. About | Community Tool Box (

Feedback 3 [su_spoiler title=”provide feedback” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable feedback form[/su_spoiler]
Lesson 4 Strategy is a key component of any organisation which enables growth, delivery and member satisfaction.   In the below link you will find short videos delivered by leaders in various companies

This is a great resource to understand what strategy can mean for various organisations and provide guidance in creating our own strategy

Strategy Fest Presentations

Strategy Bootcamp - Slideshow 2022
Quiz 4 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable form multi choice questionaire[/su_spoiler]
Lesson 5 Leadership in any area is so important, and learning how to lead is a skill that anyone responsible for others, either in the Association Committee or within the Volunteer Framework should undertake.  The following resources offer high-level topics only and are provided to raise awareness

Quiz 5 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable form multi choice questionaire[/su_spoiler]
Lesson 6
Quiz 6 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable form multi choice questionaire[/su_spoiler]
Lesson 7
Quiz 7 [su_spoiler title=”take quiz” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To be created as a formidable form multi choice questionaire[/su_spoiler]
Information Resource 1 TMJ Online Course created by Orofacialpain Org UK and presented by Dr Tara Renton.  The course covers three modules, Medical,  Psychology and Mental Health tips and Physiotherapy exercises

Information Resource 2 ACNC short course for the Public Officer to learn how to provide the annual statement and other documents

Information Resource 3 Website Admin Training Videos

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Section 6 – Counselling Training

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Manual 1 “The ultimate goals of coaching are to increase self-regulation of clients and to guide them in a desired direction, a direction that results in subjective wellbeing or, using a more common term, happiness. This direction involves thoughts, beliefs and actions. Stated simply, self-regulation is the self in action aiming to experience a happy and meaningful life.
However, findings in the clinical field show that effective self-regulation may not always be considered an easy task. For instance, depression rates have been 10 times higher compared to 1960 and burnout rates are increasing every year”This manual is designed to guide a counsellor through the process of supporting and assisting a client in need and should be used with Manual 2

Manual 2 “Welcome to this intervention. The upcoming sessions all share one purpose: to help you
move closer to your personal goals and increase your well-being. In order to do so, we
adopt a positive focus. Rather than merely focusing on what is wrong and what prevents
you from reaching your goals, we will also consider your personal strengths.
In this intervention, we will focus on what is most important in your life and consider all the
personal qualities you already possess that will allow you to reach your personal goals and
deal with challenges that may arise on your journey.
This manual was created to serve as a guide throughout the coaching sessions. It was
designed for several specific purposes:
▪ to offer a theoretical background and context for the phases of this intervention
▪ to help you remember the action steps and commitments that you agreed on
▪ to serve as a logbook for the most important insights that result from this intervention”This manual is designed to guide a client through the process of  being supported and provides the structure based on Manual 1

Manual 3 “Developed in the early 1960s by Aaron T. Beck, cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT)
is one of the most well-researched psychological treatments to date. The basic
premise of CBT is that what we think, how we feel and how we behave are all
closely connected (see Fig. 1.1)—and all of these factors have a decisive influence
on our wellbeing.”A guide to the background of CBT

Manual 4 “Even if you’re relatively unfamiliar with psychology, chances are you’ve heard of
cognitive-behavioral therapy, commonly known as CBT.
It’s an extremely common type of talk therapy practiced around the world.
If you’ve ever interacted with a mental health therapist, a counsellor, or a psychiatry
clinician in a professional setting, it’s likely you’ve participated in CBT.
CBT is one of the most frequently used tools in the psychologist’s toolbox. Though
it’s based on simple principles; it can have wildly positive outcomes when put into
In this guide, we’ll explore what CBT is, how it works, and how you can apply its
principles to improve your own life or the lives of your clients.”This manual provides an understanding of how cognitive behavioural therapy is used to assist clients

Resource 5 The downloads in this section are individual exercises, covering a goal, advice and a framework of questions within each worksheet, designed to encourage sufferers to focus on other things in their lives, rather than the pain they suffer.  They can be used by our Support Group Leaders to really understand how to frame counselling in a positive way


Resource 6 “The question “What is wrong with people?” has guided the thinking of many
psychologists and dominated countless scientific studies during the 20th century.
It is hard to deny that it is an important question. In our attempts to answer the
question, we have gained insight into many illnesses and have developed effective
treatments for a wide range of problems. However, focusing on disease and
deficit has limited our understanding and knowledgebase to pathology, and as
a consequence, we have devoted relatively little attention to factors that make life
worth living.”This section includes an Introduction to Resilience and Coping exercises and work sheets covering the subject introduction, goal and advice

Resource 7
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Information Resource 1
Information Resource 2
Information Resource 3

