Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness

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Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness is so important to our people who live with this condition.

The huge impacts it has, not only on the person diagnosed, but the extended family.  Everything changes…..not just coping with pain, but family relationships, dealing with anxiety and depression and feelings of self worth.  Many have to give up work or find acceptance that full employment will no longer be possible.  There is grief, there is anger, there is pain…..

We recently connected with the family that is behind this Instagram account promoting trigeminal neuralgia awareness.  They have been hugely successful in using their account to raise awareness with over 3,000 followers.

Maria who lives in Sydney, has been kind enough to tell us her story and the reason they created their Instagram account.

Hi, I would love the opportunity to connect with your members, via your socials and website, as well as, being mentioned on your monthly newsletter. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, as raising awareness is so important. TN sufferers deserve to be heard, and raising awareness is very important to me. Please feel free to reach out. Kind Regards, Maria

This page was started by my
daughter a few years ago, and it was a way for her to educate herself about TN, and be able to support others. My husband suffered a catastrophic work accident in 2016, resulting in the loss of his eye, and facial nerve damage. It wasn’t until we started googling his horrific pain symptoms, and discussions with many Specialists, we came to discover, that TN was not only going to turn my husbands life upside down, but also take us along for the horrific ride. As a mother of three beautiful daughters, all of whom are very active on this page, we’ve come to accept, that the husband, and father that we’ve known, can never be the same. We never realised how many people in the world suffer this debilitating pain, often referred to as the “suicide disease.” The members on this page deserve to be heard, and has shown how important it is for us to raise awareness, and find a cure.

Maria and her daughters post inspirational quotes and information on their Instagram account

Our Association does not currently have a volunteer to create and manage an Instagram account.  If you are creative and would like to run an Instagram account for us to help raise awareness, please email

Tags: Chronic pain, Make trigeminal neuralgia visible, trigeminal neuralgia awareness

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • I am new to the platform and new on the TN experience. Thank you for sharing your experiences..


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