We have known for a few weeks that our Medical Advisory Board surgeon, Associate Professor Andrew Danks from Melbourne was to retire. We would like to express our heartfelt thank you Andrew Danks for everything you have done to help our community who are living with trigeminal neuralgia.
Andrew has always been generous with his time and advice along with providing priority help to many of our members in the Melbourne area.
We wish you balmy fun filled days ahead, living a life without a schedule and the freedom to just be…..
The below message is from Andrew
Hi Kim and team,
I am retiring from neurosurgery this month. I wish to say thank you to the association for the opportunity to deepen my understanding of this condition through the meetings and contacts that the TNA has afforded me. It has been a pleasure to be involved at the MAB level for many years. The chance to meet prominent national and international experts in a small conference setting has been invaluable. I have learnt a great deal from meeting sufferers and their supporters in this context. In my practice, it has been a privilege to treat many people with this terrible but very treatable condition. I have taught my colleagues and trainees as much as possibly could, so I am confident that high quality care will continue to be available in the eastern Melbourne region.
I think that the TNA makes a huge difference for sufferers of the condition. Keep up the good work !
Andrew Danks