President’s Reflections – Aug 2023

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My monthly President’s Reflections always give me time to appreciate everything we achieve in support of our community.

National Support Line

During the past month, I have accumulated 343.94 minutes of support time on the National Support Help Line for people living with TN.

Support from Website

It has been my privilege to provide support for 6 new members that asked to be contacted, via our website. I have provided them with links to our website, for articles that can support them. I’ve listened to their journeys with TN and provided a safe environment for them to talk and ask questions.  

Once again, the more I learn-there are no two people the same with Trigeminal Neuralgia. We are all different in pain, diagnosis, medication etc.

Volunteer Workshop

The Workshop for our committee and support group leaders is just about organised. It will be held the morning after our charity dance. Everyone is excited about this workshop. Our committee is excited to meet each other and share ideas about the best way to help people living with TN. Our committee and support group leaders haven’t been able to meet since 2019.


Our first webinar for this year will be held at the end of August.

Dr. Karen McCloy will be presenting the workshop. Karen is a Fellow of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, and also a Diplomat of the American Board of Orofacial Pain. Karen has her Masters Degree in facial pain and sleep and is currently enrolled to do her PHD at the University of Qld on Facial Pain.

This month has been busy; however we are making leaps and bounds in the service to our members with additions to the website and Webinars being planned.

On a personal note – Trip to the Dentist

I had a trip to my dentist twice in two weeks. My dentist has always been a little bit wary of treating my teeth because of the trigeminal neuralgia pain. He saw me at my worst when my TN reached an unbearable flare up which lasted for weeks. He was determined to treat me when I had no pain, so I was able to work out the triggers for my TN. Having worked out my triggers since the onset of my TN, and being pain free for a couple of weeks, I thought it was time to see him again as I knew there was an awful lot of work to be done.

He decided to do my work in two separate appointments to make sure that my TN wouldn’t flare up. With the first treatment over and done with and no flare ups, he set my appointment for exactly one week after. I had the remaining teeth treated and was still scared of my TN reacting to the stimuli. No flare ups and beautiful teeth, I managed to smile again. Please see link for Dr. Karen McCloy dentist, who will be presenting a webinar for Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia in August webinar – Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia (

Low Level Light Therapy-A personal journey

I have now completed my low level light therapy sessions and I have been pain free for four weeks. I had to restart the treatment plan after having a nasty fall down a flight of brick stairs which kick started a flare up of my TN pain. I must add, my pain had disappeared after the second, initial treatment of LLLT.

Starting the treatment again was an act of faith that I leapt at if it meant no more pain. This is a remarkable outcome of which I’m truly grateful. I have added the link to give more information for anyone that is interested.

low level light therapy – Trigeminal Neuralgia Association Australia (

Our Association is about working hard to provide a service to our members. It’s about support, support to our members, support for each other, support for our SGL’s and support for the carers of people suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia. It’s about education, collaboration, and service.

With hope


Tags: presidents reflections, Trigeminal neuralgia support

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