Webinar News – Save the Date
We are delighted to announce the details for our next webinar – Presentation by Prof Arun Aggarwal – When Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain is too much : Presenting at the Emergency Department for Pain Management
Professor Arun Aggarwal is a highly experienced neurologist with expertise in chronic pain management, sport related head injuries and rebab.
Professor Aggarwal graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1987 and went on to specialise in neurology, rehabilitation medicine and pain medicine and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, and the Australasian Faculty of Pain Medicine.
Arun completed his PhD at the University of Sydney on motor neuron disease with his primary paper ‘Detection of pre-clinical motor neurone loss in SOD1 mutation carriers using motor unit number estimation’ earning him the Australian Association of Neurologists Young Investigator Award.
He is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Sydney’s Medical School and currently oversees a number of research trials examining Parkinson’s disease, trigeminal neuralgia and chronic neuropathic pain. Arun’s exceptional levels of experience and ongoing involvement in research and investigation continue to be widely recognised with over 50 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.
Today, Arun sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Trials and Clinical Case Reports. He is the current Chairman of the ANZ Association of Neurologists Neuro-Rehabilitation Sub-Committee and on the Medical Advisory Board of Trigeminal Neuralgia Association.
Prof Arun’s contact details are below
The webinar can be accessed clicking – Zoom Link to Webinar