When you live your life around chronic pain, finding things that make you smile and make you feel better can be challenging. However, research shows that pleasurable thoughts raises serotonin and reduces the impact of pain. Mental health management is one arm of a medical management and can include pacing, mindfulness, acceptance and gratitude.
We are dedicated to raising awareness and more research for long term improvement of the impacts that trigeminal neuralgia pose in as many ways as we can, Facebook, Instagram and our main tool – our website.
We follow a blog from Liz at Despite Pain and below is her list of 100 things that make her day better.
I am putting out a challenge to our readers. Comment on this article the top 5 things that make your day better. We will add the comments to a draw and send a TNAA stubby Holder to the winner. Closing date for the challenge is 7th October which is our International Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day.
Help us help others💙
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1. My work colleagues – so supportive of what I go through everyday but I push on through the pain to be at work.
2. My husband – who now drives me to work every day (about 50 minutes each way) so I can continue to live my life as best I can
3. My cats (I have 3) they always know when I’m not at my best as snuggle with me on the couch
4. My Family – always there to talk to, cry to, laugh with…. carefully.
5. My home – my sanctuary when thing get crazy