Our organisation have links with medical and dental experts around the world, all working hard to diagnose, support and treat sufferers of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
We publish our newsletter to them and they reciprocate by providing new research, articles and advice for the benefit of our members
In November we were contacted by Prof Joanna Zakrzewska, having read our September Newsletter featuring pain and patient decision making, she shared with us some research around GP and Neurosurgeon joint consultations.
The research center’s around patients satisfaction by using a collaborative model of consultation
We are delighted to publish the research and we hope you find it interesting
The papers are titled below
Trigeminal Neuralgia Guidelines 2021 V4
- Ottowa Decision Guide 2015
- Poole Satisfaction with a MDT Clinic Decision Making Br J Pain 2021
- Key MDT Multi Disciplined Team
Provided by
Professor Joanna M. Zakrzewska MD, FDSRCS, FFDRCSI, FFPMRCA
Consultant facial pain
Royal National ENT &Eastman Dental Hospitals
Floor 3, 179a Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7PA