Buildings all around the world Lit up in Teal to raise awareness for sufferers of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
Our Melbourne and Gold Coast Support Groups also posed with a fabulous banner created by one of our members Matthew Puls, whose journey with TN has been extremely difficult and painful.
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In Australia we had bridges and buildings in Brisbane and Perth lit up in Teal and they looked fantastic.
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We are dedicated to raising awareness for providing support along with working with Medical and Dentistry Professionals to provide better care for all suffers.
Want to make a difference in the life of someone who suffers from Trigeminal Neuralgia? Consider Membership to TNA Australia or a tax deductible donation.
Stay in touch by joining our newsletter – we’ll email a few times during the year with tips on how to best support people who suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia.
1 Comment. Leave new
The buildings look fantastic, lets make TN International day a focus next year and light up right across Australia. Maybe our members can light up their own houses and we can run an awareness campaign in our own streets