Magnetic Therapy for Trigeminal Neuralgia

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Magnetic Therapy – can it form part of a trigeminal neuralgia pain Treatment Plan?

This article is for information and education purposes – we do not recommend individual treatment – always consult your medical team to evaluate the best course of treatment for your circumstances.


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Energy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy is non-static, unlike therapy with standard magnets, which are constant or static. To create a PEMF, an electrical current is introduced into a looped wire thereby creating a magnetic field. The electrical current is then activated and then deactivated in cycles between one time per second to thousands of times per second. The cycles and frequencies are dependent upon the unique design of any particular PEMF Device.

 In main stream western medical communities, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is utilized in the two following ways:
  1. A specially engineered version of PEMF known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is designed specifically to treat the brain with low-frequency magnetic pulses. This special form of electromagnetic therapy is undergoing additional studies, and many of these studies indicate that rTMS might be beneficial for depression. It is also being studied for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  2. PEMF Therapy has been used to stimulate bone repair in non-union (the broken bone ends do not join together) and other fractures since the 1970’s. This is the specific use that has been approved by the FDA.

Studies using PEMF have shown great promise for other conditions, such as, healing soft-tissue wounds by suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level, alleviating pain, and increasing range of motion. Interestingly, vision, an area that is still undergoing study, has been shown to improve in some instances through PEMF.  At this time, PEMF is being investigated for its effect on osteoarthritis, stress, incontinence, migraines and a host of other conditions


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Magnetic therapy is applying static magnets that produce a therapeutic magnetic field for pain relief and recovery for a variety of issues.

Today many people use magnet therapy for pain management. Health professionals such as physiotherapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, chiropractors, neurologists, nutritionists, sports performance trainers, vets and rehabilitation centers might be surprised with the latest advancements in magnetic therapy.

Painaustralia estimated 3.24 million (~16%) Australians were living with chronic pain in 2018. In United States in 2016, an estimated 20.4% of adults had chronic pain. These studies also point to unhealthy treatment practices. Clinical trials have shown that magnetic therapy can benefit a number of painful conditions, therefore it should definitely be considered and is worthy of further research.

This article, covers the basics of magnetic therapy and will assist readers to understand what kind of magnetic therapy is the most effective. If you’re a home user, you’ll get a fair idea of how to assess magnetic therapy products and get a better understanding of magnetic therapy. Professionals will get an in-depth insight into how it works and what are the current advancements in magnetic field therapy.

What are the benefits of magnetic therapy? read the full article HERE


Links to Magnetic therapy providers – we are not affiliated with any of these providers


Medical Definition of Magnet therapy

Reviewed on 3/29/2021

Magnet therapy: Magnetic therapy, also called magnetic field therapy and bioenergy therapy, is an alternative therapy that uses magnets of varying sizes and strengths that are placed on the body to relieve pain and treat disease. Thin metal magnets are attached to the body alone or in groups. They can be worn as bracelets or necklaces, attached to adhesive patches to hold in place, placed in bands or belts to be wrapped around the wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, foot, waist, or lower back. Also available are magnetic insoles, blankets, and slumber pads. These magnets may be worn for just a few minutes or for weeks, depending on the condition being treated and the practitioner.

Proponents state the magnetic fields produced from the negative pole of the magnet have healing powers. Negative magnetic fields are thought to stimulate metabolism, increase the amount of oxygen available to cells, and create a less acidic environment within the body. Conditions diagnosed or treated include arthritiscancer, circulatory disorders, diabetic neuropathy (nerve disease), fibromyalgiaHIV/AIDS, immune dysfunction, infection, inflammation, insomniamultiple sclerosismuscle pain, neuropathy, painrheumatoid arthritissciaticastress and to increase energy and prolong life.

Although there are anecdotal reports of healing with magnetic therapy, available scientific evidence does not support these claims. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers magnets harmless and of no use for medical purposes.


Below are various studies referencing Magnetic Therapy for Trigeminal Neuralgia


Tags: trigeminal neuralgia magnet therapy

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