What a month it has been with a great deal of work happening behind the scenes
National Support Line
Since setting up our National Support Line earlier this year I have been able to help so many people living with trigeminal neuralgia. During the past month I have accumulated 274.95 phone minutes of support for people living with TN. You don’t need to be a member of our association to access this service, however I encourage people living with TN and their carers, to consider becoming members and having access to our advocacy.
Phone: 0402 982 118
Support from Website
Since becoming President, I have contacted 17 people that have asked for support through our website contact page
Once again, the more I learn about trigeminal neuralgia, I understand that each person has individual needs when living with Trigeminal Neuralgia. We are all different in pain, diagnosis, medication etc.
Dance Show in Melbourne
Lyn Donnelly and I have been hard at work organising our Committee Members and Support Group Leaders to attend a dance show in Melbourne on Oct 13th with the proceeds of the show going to TNAA. If anyone is interested in attending the dance show please contact Lyn Donnelly or myself but we will be advertising the details in early August and tickets will be available on the Eventbrite platform
Volunteer Workshop
The dance show provides us an opportunity for our volunteers to come together for a Volunteer Workshop the morning after the show. Our volunteers haven’t been able to meet since 2019, this is a perfect opportunity to meet everyone and share ideas. Everyone is excited about this opportunity.
Our Melbourne Support Group is back up and running with our volunteers doing an amazing job. I was able to connect Brenda Young with Alan Collard and Vanessa Wood. Brenda Young is now the Support Group Leader for Melbourne with the help of Alan Collard and Vanessa Wood will be taking the minutes of the group and had them to me in the appropriate time frame. Thank you to everyone involved. Your time is to be commended.
Our Association is about working hard to provide a service to our members. It’s about support, support to our members, support for each other, support for our SGL’s and support for the carers of people suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia. It’s about education, collaboration, and service.
“If we have hope, we have everything.”
I look forward to working with and providing help and Hope to so many more.
Watch this space.