A research on quality of life score (QOLS) of patients with trigeminal neuralgia
When I visit my medical professionals they always ask questions in order to be sure of the diagnosis, and to be sure the treatment they recommend is appropriate to me personally.
I have discovered the following article which may interest you.
While it contains scientific language and in parts may be difficult to work through, you can read at the end before the list of references, a list of questions with the words for a five point rating system. There are some questions on that list that I am going to remember so when I visit my GP or Neurologist or Neurosurgeon I need to provide the answers, even if not asked – because I believe it may make a difference and help them help me. Perhaps you might feel this way.
The article, ‘A research on quality of life score (QOLS) of patients with trigeminal neuralgia (TN)’ written by Yejiao Luo, Mingjie He, Chenjun Li, and Hongya Yang and published in the
Journal of infection and Public Health Vol. 12 Issue 5 September–October 2019, Pages 690-694,
Quality of life researchArticle by Helen Tyzack